News Archives
Not in My Skatepark OUT NOW. Info here.
Adam is having a birthday party on July 3. Email
for details. Our CD should be out June 8, so buy one or else we will
break your kneecaps.
Adam is getting married in November in Vegas by an Asian Elvis impersonator.
We are also trying to book a tour of the western states for the last
week of July, so email
if you want us to play your town.
Not in My Skatepark recording is done. We have 3 new mp3s up on
We are playing the 3rd night of The
Best Month Ever with Life
Crisis and The Attacks.
Also, we are almost done recording the vocals for Not In My Skatepark.
We also have shirts and stuff for sale.
We have a show April 17th with The
Makeout Boys. Check it out. Also, our demo "Batboy Bites Blader"
was reviewed in last week's City
The recording of "Not in my Skatepark" began last
Thursday, continued Friday, and is progessing nicely. Rob Logic of The
Mice has been kind enough to stand around as we make horrible sounds
in his home as a computer turns the noises it hears into digital data.
He then plays with various knobs and doohickies and whatnot, and somehow
the noise becomes magically less horrible. I am told this is what is
meant by the term "recording." Man, if I am bored playing
the same song 13 times, I am sure he is wanting to kill himself as all
he gets to do is press a button and then have to watch me make the same
mistake on the same song for 40 minutes
Now all we have left is the grunting and screeching and chuffling and
other such various vocalizations. Will we finish the
ablum before May? Will Adam find true love? Will Brandan's coup of Parliment
be forcibly subdued by Tory jackbooted bullyboys? Will Bruce's brain
transplant be a success, and if so will he remember any of the lyrics?
Pictures from the Signing of the
Contract now up. What will the album be named? We don't know. We
are resonably sure it is going to have 13 songs on it though. Why? Shut
the fuck up. That's why.
Hill Billy Stew Records
has signed us to a one album contract.
It should be released sometime around March. We are going to go on tour
shortly thereafter. That means we are better than your shitty band.
You can kiss our asses because we are on the Express Train to Rockstartowne
and there ain't no room for losers like you and your bandmates. Your
band would be lucky to get a show at your 5-year-old sister's birthday
party. We, on the other hand, are putting out an album. A FULL LENGTH
album. Do you know what that means? That means that soon we shall be
going on Conan and getting a video on Fuse and guest hosting TRL and
going on tour with Avril. That is right: AVRIL! She and we are on a
first name basis now. We call her Avril and she calls us Sk8.
Later, Small Time.
New pics from a show we played
at the Che a long time ago are up.
I am no longer archiving the news on a seperate page because I figured
out how to make scroll bars work. Scroll bars will be found to your
right when needed. Your right is the part on this side of your body:
We have a show on December 20th, 2003 with two very special guests
at Wired
in Pacific
Beach. Contact Evil
Explosion Booking for information. We might also be playing a show
in February for the benefit for the Mar Vista Gay/Straight Alliance
at The Che Cafe.